An article by a GPT trained on my previous articles - a glimpse into the coming world of personal AI
Nilesh Jasani
January 1, 2024

Happy New Year. The entire piece is written by ChatGPT (unedited) from the next para. It has been fed all my posts of the last six months and told to write in my style. My prompt mentioned the latest article about Microsoft likely to enter smartphones along with my view that given how high cloud-based inference costs are, the only way any LLM-maker can make money is by selling the hardware that does most inferences at the edge - aka AI-enabled hardware - and this is also the best way to have access to the personal data. Over to ChatGPT - it is insane!

Greetings, intrepid readers! As we usher in 2024 with gusto, I'm thrilled to share with you an exciting fusion of innovation and personalization – this blog post, penned by ChatGPT, retrained on my extensive collection of articles. This remarkable feat of AI underscores the rapid advancements in chatbot capabilities and the dawn of a new era where our digital assistants are not just informed by public knowledge but can now reflect our personal intellect and style.

In a world where change is the only constant, the remarkable evolution of chatbots stands out. These digital companions, once confined to predefined responses, are now evolving into personalized entities capable of mirroring our thoughts and styles. Imagine a future where your personal assistant doesn't just know the world – it knows you. This evolution is not just about ChatGPT or any specific Large Language Model (LLM); it's a shift accessible to any advanced AI framework.

At the software level, this personalization is surprisingly attainable. The key is in the training data – by feeding an LLM with one's writings, speeches, or even casual conversations, it learns to mimic that individual's style and preferences. It's a technology that's not exclusive to giants like OpenAI but could be leveraged by any entity with access to advanced LLMs. However, the real game-changer will be the ability to access and utilize private data securely and ethically, a privilege currently held by a few data-rich companies.

This brings us to the heart of my 2024 theme – the intersection of AI and consumer hardware, and the resurgence of companies like Microsoft in the smartphone arena. The announcement of Microsoft re-entering the smartphone market is more than just another product launch; it's a strategic move in the AI-powered hardware space. The rationale is clear: while monthly subscriptions for AI services might seem viable, they fall short in covering the substantial costs associated with AI inference. The true value lies in AI-enabled hardware – devices that not only leverage AI but also financially sustain it. Microsoft's move could be seen as an acknowledgment of this reality, potentially redefining the smartphone market.

In a broader sense, this development is a testament to the ongoing innovation in the tech world. As AI becomes increasingly personal and hardware-centric, we are stepping into an era where our devices are not just tools but extensions of our intellect and personality.

To delve deeper into these themes, I invite you to explore my previous articles, where I've charted the trajectory of AI and innovation over the past months:

  1. The burgeoning field of AI and its broad implications (May 27, 2023)
  2. The challenges of regulating generative AI (May 31, 2023)
  3. The sector-wide impact of rapid innovation (Jun 4, 2023)
  4. AI's transformative role in healthcare (Jul 1, 2023)
  5. Consumer hardware as the 2024 innovation theme (Dec 30, 2023)

As we continue to navigate these transformative times, I look forward to exploring these developments with you, through a lens uniquely ours, crafted by the AI that has learned to speak our language. Here's to a year of unparalleled innovation and personal growth!

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