Beyond chatbots and copilots
Nilesh Jasani
November 29, 2023

Imagine being handed a device several times more intelligent than Einstein.

The initial excitement might drive us to bombard it with a flurry of unanswered questions akin to the queries we lob at chatbots. But as the novelty wanes and the list of 'big questions' dwindles, many would use their new MesI (for Messrs Intelligent) for daily activity improvements, from writing an email to summarising podcasts or building a website, like what we witness in Copilots.

However, at some point, we would want the new Einstein MesI to do Einstein's things, like finding a cancer cure. The low-end use cases like chatboxes and copilots - like the arrival of Emails with the Internet - do not make a revolution, irrespective of the new benefits they bring. GenAI's actual benefits, if/when realized in full potential, will be through generative innovation in all the downstream sectors.

GenAI is reshaping the very core of the software that powers driverless cars. Its ability to understand human languages is a boon in operating robots. Still, robotics has greater benefits in how machines can learn mechanical behavior through observations. Some of the largest benefits will be when machine-screened/generated molecules or proteins become a solution for a disease cure or environmental solution or be the innovation behind fields like solid-state batteries.

These aren't mere fantasies; they're the frontiers of current research. Our continuously updated GenInnov platform showcases these burgeoning developments. While the biggest synthetic molecule-driven pharmaceutical discoveries could be distant, the green shoots of progress are already visible.

Consider some of these from the list on the website: diagnosis of diabetes from voice or pancreatic cancer through CT scans. New AI methods are used to evaluate the breast cancer patients that could benefit the most from chemo better than physicians. The entire diagnostic and consultative process in healthcare is undergoing a seismic shift, with technology firms collaborating not just with hospitals but also with insurers to revolutionize healthcare delivery.

GenAI will likely leave no realm of real-life untouched, and that won't be the doing of chatbots and copilots! We are on the cusp of an era where technology moves beyond improving everyday tasks to driving generative innovation, reshaping our world in ways we are only beginning to comprehend.

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