In scientific realms, the complexity or intelligence at which we address a problem determines the quality of solutions. While forecasting motions of a projectile, for instance, a Dolphin-level complexity - representing innate intelligence, experience, and toolsets - would arrive at inferior solutions compared to Sir Newton's and Einstein's level intelligence.

With GenAI, we are in a new wonderland on this earth, attacking all existing and new scientific queries with fresh eyes. Just this week, one study reported AI unearthing 2.2 million new stable crystal structures ( - an eight-fold bump to our inventory with profound implications across domains. We've explored crystals for ages, and in the first GenAI year (sort of), we see more novelty than humans scratch together over decades.

As discussed previously, GenAI is causing an explosion in creating new proteins and other molecules. If earlier posts discussed how these models have developed smells and tastes (, a research paper discussed GenAI reconstructing images in one's brain ( Of course, the week saw announcements on GenAI improving the coding abilities staggeringly and LLMs doing Math too - other announcements listed on our website

While the actual machinations of change stir elsewhere, the fascinated public continues to be preoccupied with chatbots and their blue ducks (Google Gemini). Chatbot and Copilot improvements - now weekly developments in the form of announcements from almost all the big tech companies globally - are essential for their visible, immediate use cases, but the world is changing elsewhere.

We are witnessing the emergence of a Fourth Economic Sector in our machines' creations, perhaps the fastest-growing segment over the coming decades. While we rightly monitor leaps in compute and models, the second and further derivative effects of machine intelligence's swelling ingenuity deserve far deeper studies and attention.

Will the 2024 demo by a chatbox's new version show it magically creating the number, I imagine? Possibly, and possibly not - whatever feats it displays will likely still be disputed anyway!

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