Introducing New GenInnov.AI website
Nilesh Jasani
September 11, 2024

We have been quiet over the last few weeks. There was nosummer lull in the events or themes, but we were busy redesigning website.

GenInnov's entire journey has been a labor of love, drivenby our passion for understanding and harnessing the transformative power ofgenerative AI. It began a little over a year ago, amidst the initial tremors ofthis technological earthquake. We sensed the seismic shifts underway,recognizing that GenAI wasn't just another incremental advancement, but aparadigm-altering force akin to the internet's arrival.

Until now, our website served as a rudimentary archive ofour ideas and insights. Today, it boasts over 100 original articles and 300carefully curated external observations, a testament to the explosiveinnovation unfolding across various sectors. This wealth of knowledge deserveda more compelling presentation, on par with our core fund management businessand our flagship fund. The redesigned website is a reflection of our currentthinking and operations, built to evolve alongside us and the themes weexplore.

In Instant Copiability, Super-Moore Growth, the Fourth MacroSector, etc., we introduced a host of new business and innovation themes thatdistinguish the upcoming era from the Internet era of previous decades. Our newsite is designed to make it easier for everyone—whether you've been with usfrom the start or are just joining now—to navigate these ideas.

Beyond showcasing the evolving thematic journey, the websiteserves as a window into the heart of GenInnov's fund management philosophy.We're not content to be just a behind-the-Bloomberg fund manager. We want ourpotential and current investors to know what is driving their funds' investments.This transparency should fuel an ongoing, open dialogue, inviting everyone toshare their views and enhance our learning.

Our habit of baring our thoughts has provided clearbenefits. It has allowed us to engage brilliant thought leaders from academiaand across various industries, and it’s been incredibly humbling. Theirinsights have shaped and refined our understanding and we hope this continues.

Clearly, our perspectives on the transformative potential ofGenAI diverge from that of traditional tech or internet-era investors. For someconsidering investing with us and who share our beliefs, the website shouldprovide the reasons why the fund could be a good vehicle for expressing thesethemes. For those who disagree, the fund could be a great diversificationcandidate, and the website a place to verify what we have said and how we areevolving.

We invite you to explore the revamped website, not only forthe articles or information about our funds but also to embark on a journey ofdiscovery through the ever-expanding universe of AI-driven innovation. Ourcurated collection of external articles, organized by category, offers aglimpse into how transformers and post-transformer methods are reshapingindustries and redefining possibilities.

Please let us know if you have any views.

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