MAMBA: A Neural Network Revolution Lurking in the Shadows?
Nilesh Jasani
December 11, 2023

The world of AI may need to brace for a potential earthquake, thanks to the emergence of a new neural network architecture called Mamba. This newcomer, detailed in a recent research paper (, promises to shake the foundations of the dominant Transformer architecture, currently powering most of today's generative AI applications and foundation models.

The Transformer architecture, for all its phenomenal advantages and revolutionary ways, is notorious for computational inefficiency. Chatbox users know this frustration all too well, enduring sluggish response times and exorbitant processing demands that line the pockets of GPU manufacturers but leave everyone else footing the bill.

Mamba creators' claims are still only one research article old. Still, they are likely to catch attentions of everyone in the field, everywhere:

If proven true, the entire industry could be forced to pivot and embrace Mamba and whatever comes soon after.

Even if Mamba doesn't dethrone the Transformer completely, the paper's mere existence serves as a powerful lesson for those investing in the field:

1. Vigilance and Knowledge-Based Investing: Investors must remain vigilant and knowledgeable about cutting-edge research.

2. Embrace the Exit Door: Investors must remember that even seemingly dominant technologies can be disrupted. Keeping an exit strategy in mind allows for nimble adaptation to changing landscapes.

3. Innovation Knows No Borders: Mamba reminds us that groundbreaking innovations can emerge from anywhere in the world, often from unexpected sources.

4. Machines Leading the Way: Mamba's rapid development highlights the need to adapt to a future where technology not only assists us but also shapes the very direction of our progress.

For sure, Mamba's claims may prove unpractical. But, it is a sign that the AI world will not be about the version changes, like in Smartphones. 

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