Our Lexicon Levels Up - Lessons for the Track-Record Seekers
Nilesh Jasani
November 20, 2023

Once upon a time, 'surfing' was something we did at the beach, a 'web' was a spider's home, and 'email' was not Scrabble-approved. If the extent of a revolution is measured by the reshaping of linguistic landscapes, the transformative power of AI has surely zoomed past smartphones and en route to upstaging the Internet.

It is early days, still. A critic may call a poem diffusion model masterpiece only as a putdown for the algorithmic artistry. Automation transparency notices are still a good practice, rather than an assumed default like the spell-checks. In that spirit, this lyrical concoction has to be admitted as far from AI-complete: four foundation models have collaborated through human-in-the-loop prompt engineering over and above the form, shape, and everything else provided by the author's own BNN (biological neural network).

In the genteel gatherings of the non-digital domain, the term "BNN" hasn't much caught on; "human brain" still takes the cake. Meanwhile, in AI soirées, ANNs, CNNs, and RNNs are the belle of the ball. One must not forget their newly arriving cousins, like KNNs, serializing as the charming textual inversions of our time. They've got that human-esque je ne sais quoi, unlike suspiciously ML-infused or nerdily-created phrases like Variable Encoders, GANs, or LSTMs.

These chatbots' sky-high energy labeling is harshing the mellow of treehuggers and LLM makers alike. We need some slimmer vector agents and knowledge connectors to keep the convo quick and accurate without toxic hallucinations or janky data poisoning. Maybe throw in a few empathetic check-backs, too, so users don't feel gaslit by bot babble.

In the investment sphere, this new era of AI provides an essential lesson for track record seekers: the AI landscape is so novel that relying on feature extraction or transfer learning from previous tech investments introduces perilous bias. Responsible AI investing demands fresh semantic analysis attuned to this uncharted territory. To prevent adversarial attacks, even the most conservative allocators should not allow hyperparameter tuning of Timbaktu investment history for trading in, let's say, widgets. The vanishing gradient of such overfitted synthetic data will crater predictive accuracy.

Foundationally, prudent innovation-era investment requires a return to the first principles of inference - trusting logic and reason - not over-extrapolating from historically orthogonal domains. When traversing new frontiers, investors must foreground inductive reasoning over potentially misleading deductive priors.

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