Personalised AI and Everyday App - the new AI frontiers
Nilesh Jasani
July 29, 2023

Two new terms could be entering our lexicon based on the news around giants like #Apple#X#Intel#Tencent, etc. recently: "Personal (assistant) AI" and "Everything App." They're the next big things on the AI frontier, poised to redefine our everyday lives. They mean different things to different people now. Eventually, they will mean what the field winners will want them to mean for us, but while there is time, let me pen what I would want them to mean.

I would want my Personal AI, called PAI for brevity in this post, should be more than a glorified scheduler. It should be my digital doppelganger, versed in my quirks, likes, and life, courtesy of unrestricted device access. This should replace my current device's Search box, doing more than finding files, photos, or messages.

Memory lapse is a bane of my existence, and that's where PAI could shine. Reminders about prior encounters with upcoming contacts or summaries of pre-read material would be a godsend. When and where I last visited the same location, accompanying friends, and surrounding events - all can be tracked using the data scattered across my device.

Taking it a step further, imagine PAI integrating my data with global AI knowledge. The picture of a wine menu could prompt suggestions tailored to my palate. A missing shirt style in my wardrobe could be pointed out. Or perhaps, it could jog my memory about "that marketing whizz I met winters ago who had a third-grade kid then."

If PAI is on my machine, a Superapp, or "Everyday App" (EVA) could be its external-facing counterpart. Beyond China's current Superapps, my EVA should communicate with others, sharing interests, expertise, or daily surfing topics - with proper permissions. Paired with local merchant data, EVA might nudge me about household items needing replacement or repair.

These tech wonders come with privacy concerns and will have their fair share of controversies. Still, they represent a new frontier where generative AI could reshape our lives in unimaginable ways. PAI and EVA - terms coined here for this post and not combined anywhere as far as this author knows - are also the most important AI opportunities for many tech hardware and software giants. Google has changed terms and conditions to accommodate this, while Apple's Journaling feature in the new operating system versions is as big a step in this direction as Twitter's rebranding. #ai #personalai #Everydayapp #superapp #PAI #EVA

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